Quality jobs, Quality Care
Care jobs are a rewarding way to make a difference in someone’s life. But you can’t care for others if you’re not caring for yourself. Many care jobs offer low pay and substandard benefits, which leads to high staff turnover and poor patient care.
Union jobs are different. When you work union, your pay and benefits are guaranteed, in writing, in your union contract. Union care jobs offer the highest caregiver pay in Oregon; affordable, quality health insurance for you and your whole family; and a voice on the job.

Union CNAs make almost 13% more than non-union

Union CNAs top out 24% higher than non-union

Union CNAs save up to $7k/year on family healthcare

"Working union means higher pay, guaranteed raises, and affordable healthcare for my whole family."
Frequently Asked Questions
Union pay and benefits are guaranteed, in writing, in your union contract. You can download and read union contracts for all the jobs posted on this site. Union contracts are negotiated between workers and their employers. The most updated pay scales for SEIU union nursing homes as of October 1 2023 are available here
Union nursing home workers and their families have access to excellent health insurance at a low cost through the Essential Worker Healthcare Trust. The plans provides
- Free preventive care
- Free generic drugs
- Lower deductible and out-of-pocket maximum than current employer options
These healthcare plans are available to union members for only $35/month for individuals, $70/month for worker and partner, or $105/month for worker and whole family
Union caregivers are protected against unfair discipline, mandation / forced overtime, and arbitrary schedule changes. If you have an issue at work, a union steward will back you up in meetings with your supervisor. All our rights and benefits are guaranteed in writing in our contract, and can’t be arbitrarily changed.
SEIU 503 dues are 1.7% of salary + $2.75 per month. What we pay in dues is much less than what we gain from higher pay and better benefits compared to non-union jobs. Union workers save thousands in health insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-pays alone.
Search for a job in these categories
Affordable, quality healthcare
Free preventive care, free generic drugs, low deductibles and out-of-pocket max

Do you work in a non-union nursing home?
Contact a union organizer to help organize your co-workers

Quick Links
Continuing Education
Long-Term CareWorks provides workers in Oregon skilled nursing facilities and other long-term care facilities with training, apprenticeship, and mentorship to help them thrive in their career.
Download Nursing Home union contracts
Workers at four union nursing home companies receive affordable high-quality health care coverage through the Essential Worker Health Trust. The plans provides
- Free preventive care
- Free generic drugs
- Lower deductible and out-of-pocket maximum than current employer options
These healthcare plans are available to union members for only $35/month for individuals, $70/month for worker and partner, or $105/month for worker and whole family.
Avamere SNF Contract 2021-2024
Dakavia Health Services 2021-24